Toddler Toolkit is a self paced parenting course with videos, activities and topics - all created for just one simple purpose:
* pay in full or over two payments of £49.50
Simple parenting techniques that really, really, work.
Our Toddlers and Two's are developing skills more rapidly than we can keep up.
Right now their comprehension is six whole months ahead of their ability to verbalise those same thoughts or needs.
It's enough to make you want to scream....
Unless, of course, you have a way to alleviate all this stress, frustration and distress.
Something simple.
That can be used by everyone.
And that is exactly where Toddler Toolkit, from Little Signers Club, comes in.
Hold up! What...?! How?
We do it all through baby signing.
If you haven't heard of baby signing before, it's simplified sign language especially adapted for babies, and toddlers, and their important grown ups.
But not just any baby signing
This is baby signing, the Little Signers Club way.
Together we’ve discovered that babies as young as ten weeks old can let us know that they want their milk, a nappy change or you - around whom their world revolves - with their tiny hands but without the need to cry.
And we’ve found that our signing Toddlers and Twos are so confident of being understood - so communicative of their needs and joys and the wonders of their world - that tantrums, tears and misunderstandings are removed, almost completely.
By about 90%, in fact.
(Truly - and the toddler years are ones that you don't want to miss for the world.)
Baby signing with us is so simple to get right and so effective in it's results, that you'll wonder why on earth everyone isn’t doing it.
Toddler Toolkit isn't just a baby signing course.
It's over eighteen years of gentle, continuum based parenting experience, supported by rafts of research, that has been developed to help your Toddler or Two be the very best they can be.
You'll find that instances of 'behaviour as communication' are almost eliminated.
That toddler ≠ tantrum.
And that this can be true for you too.
Because your little one will have developmentally appropriate communication tools that get to the heart of Big Feelings, or what they need the most, with ease - and without unwanted behaviour.
Toddler Toolkit focuses specifically on this, combined with topics for little ones who are on the move and growing up fast!
Isn't is amazing to think that something as simple as sign language can change the world, entirely, for your family?
All with your loving support, your hands - and a sprinkle of Little Signers Club know-how.
What's inside Toddler Toolkit™ ?
Here's a step-by-step of what we'll cover, together.
Everything inside Toddler Toolkit™ has been designed around the need for love and safety that children require in order for their brains to develop.
It is this understanding that is expertly reflected throughout Toddler Toolkit, and our unique approach to Maslow's Hierarchy as it translates to little ones, which underpins the whole course.
Step #1: Toddler Toolkit - Before You Begin
If you've never used baby signing before, or are new to Little Signers Club, we've got you covered!
This lovely series will guide you through the basics of baby signing with your Toddler or Two and the key areas that will help you to get the very best from your baby signing journey.
Seven Topics:
Benefits of Baby Signing | FAQ | What, How and Where to Start | Supporting Infant Mental Health | Tips for Signing Success | What to Expect
Step #2: Toddler Toolkit - The Essentials
The Essentials are topics for Toddlers and Twos that focus particularly on helping our little ones feel very safe and secure.
We'll be making sure that everything is in place for your Toddler or Two to have their basic needs met. These are the building blocks for all other learning and life experiences.
Four Topics:
Meeting Needs | Well-being | Family | Home
Step #3: Toddler Toolkit - Growing Up
Growing Up topics give our Toddlers and Twos the safety of loving interactions as they develop in confidence, capability and independence.
Providing our little ones with firm foundations gives them the utmost confidence to explore and learn, safe in the knowledge that they can ask for what they need, when they need it.
Four Topics:
Busy Little Bodies | Big Feelings | Hands That Help | Potty Learning
Step 4: Toddler Toolkit - The World Around Us
The World Around Us topics are where the focus switches to all those things that your little one may be interested in, or wants to explore for themselves.
Laughter, smiles, eye-contact and play form the very best part of cognitive development, once our little ones feel safe and secure.
Four Topics:
Out and About | Pirates Ahoy! | Be Gentle | Sign a Rainbow
Step 5: Toddler Toolkit - Communication Development
These handy communication development guides have been created for us in conjunction with Consultant Speech and Language Therapist, Libby Hill. We have worked closely with Libby since we began, in 2010.
Each Communication Development section takes you through what to expect and the signs that you might like explore at this stage of your little one's development.
During this formative period it is critically important for caregivers to create a climate of care with healthy brain growth in mind.
Simply stated, young children develop and function well when provided care in safe, interesting, and intimate settings where they establish and sustain secure and trusting relationships with knowledgeable caregivers who are responsive to their needs and interests.
J. Ronald Lally, Caring Relationships: The Heart of Early Brain Development
Each Toddler Toolkit topic includes...

BSL Videos
British Sign Language video clips to show you exactly how to make the sign that you need - plus reminders of how to use signing effectively with your little one.

Gentle Parenting
strategies for problem solving, conflict resolution and co-regulation, that support your Toddler or Two on their journey to independence.

Playful Prompts*
simple, playful activities that help to develop your toddler's core competencies (like turn taking and motor skills) as well as enhancing bonding and attachment.
* not included in Be Gentle / Sign a Rainbow / Pirates Ahoy!

bite sized chunks of in depth baby signing expertise combined with tips to support emotional intelligence and feelings of self esteem.

Topic Checklists*
key points of each topic on one handy printable checklist, helping you to keep on track with what is important to your family.
* not included in Be Gentle / Sign a Rainbow / Pirates Ahoy!

Favourite Songs
signing along to favourite rhymes is one of the easiest ways to embed learning - and your Toddler will love it too!
Wait, wait! There's more...
Coaching Support
with Little Signers Club Founder, Shelley.
Got a question or a query?
An aha or a wonderful moment with your toddler to share?
I'm here to support you all the way via email or Speakpipe.
Fifteen years+ of award winning baby signing expertise, right at your fingertips!
Little Signers Club Expert Guides
baby signing in practice.
These guides have been put together specifically to help with getting to the heart of frustration that your little one may be experiencing.
Inside you'll find gentle strategies for problem solving and conflict resolution, all while supporting your baby or toddler with their emotional intelligence and feelings of self esteem.
There are a few bonus signs along the way, too!
trusted by brands you know...

Specialist Education Provider of the Year 2024 - UK; Prestige Awards 2024
Best Baby Sign Language Classes Provider 2023 - UK; Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Awards 2023
Best Baby Signing Class Provider - UK; LUXlife Parent and Baby Awards 2022
Baby Sign Language Class Provider of the Year - UK; Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards 2022
Sign Language School of the year; Prestige Awards 2022
Leading Provider of Baby Signing Classes 2020; 4th Annual Social Care Awards | Hoop Hero; Little Signers Club North Nottingham 2019 / 2018 | Mummy’s Gin Fund; Expert Panel | Winner: Teach Early Years Awards 2018, At the Bottom of My Garden| Most Outstanding Infant Sign Language Training Consultancy 2017; Global Excellence Awards | Bizzie Baby Gold Award; Our Farmyard Friends, a Rhyme and Sign Adventure | Best Infant Sign Language Training Consultancy – UK; Consultancy Awards 2016 | Finalist, Whats On 4 Little Ones 2016 | Award Nominated, Mum and Working 2016 |Childcare Expo 2016, 2017 | ICAN Licensed Tutors | 5th Annual Babyroom Conference Canterbury Christ Church University | Lead Practitioners; Early Language Development Programme | Member of Neytco | Featured; BBC1, Gurgle Magazine, Junior Magazine, Parent Tribe, The Mother | Contributor; ToddlerCalm, A guide for calmer toddlers | Award Nominated, Whats On 4 Little Ones 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,2014, 2015 | Official Partner for Hello, The Year of Communication and the Communication Trust | Finalist, The Baby Show for Trade
Who is Toddler Toolkit for?
Toddler Toolkit has been designed as a self paced course for families with Toddlers and Two's.
Because everyone deserves a way to communicate, without frustration and stress, that is appropriate to their age and development stage.
You know, deep down, that there simply must be a way to have more fun and reduce the stress that goes along with being the grown-up or carer of a Toddler.
That behaviour as communication is just not the answer you are seeking.
Our Super Power, here at Little Signers Club, is showing you a different way. Practical tips and parenting strategies delivered in a way that is easy to understand and even simpler to implement.
Why struggle with toddler frustration and distress when you can have baby signing on your side?
The bottom line?
What you'll learn in Toddler Toolkit will remain with you, and your little one, for years to come.
You’ll experience the wonder of your little one's world and have all the right tools on hand to empower your Toddler or Two to be the very best of themselves.
The rewards are deep trust and connection, un-shakeable confidence and complete, mutual, understanding - right when you need it most.
Thousands of families have trusted Little Signers Club since 2010; their stories are testament to the change they have discovered once developmentally appropriate communication is available to their little ones.
Toddler Toolkit is not just about baby signing.
It's about the loving changes that you are able to make, the deep understanding that you gain and the difference in the world you make for children everywhere, starting with your own gorgeous Tots.
All of this for £99?
At Little Signers Club we don't do over-inflated pricing structures.
We believe in delivering outstanding products and services that are affordable and do exactly what we've promised.
Toddler Toolkit took fifteen years of expertise, continual Professional Development and almost six months of beta testing to get right.
You could say it's priceless.
It is definitely an important addition to your parenting repertoire and the value you will receive from learning about baby signing, the Little Signers Club way, will be delivered back to you, time and time again.
The deep connection, unshakeable confidence and complete understanding that you will gain with your Toddler or Two are gifts that you will treasure - and last you a lifetime.
Your questions - answered!
When does this start? How do I get access to everything?
The short answer is, as soon as you join!
This is a self-paced, instant access, set of baby signing topics and workshops; all you have to do is sign up and you’ll get everything you need to get started - like your login details - delivered straight to your inbox.
So you can start today!
Or tomorrow!
Or maybe next week?
But, truly, the sooner you start, the sooner you'll be on the path to understanding what your little one wants or needs, just like baby signing mama Carrie.
My baby can sign so much now and understand me signing even more.
I couldn't imagine going back to him crying and me trying to work out what he wants.
Which sign language system do you use?
At Little Signers Club we use British Sign Language signs in English word order. This is sometimes called keyword signing or Sign Supported English.
We use British Sign Language because it is the UK’s 4th indigenous language and out of respect for the Deaf community; providing connection and understanding for everyone, breaking down barriers and isolation.
The sign videos that are included in the course are British Sign Language but the framework – the overview of what is being taught, why we teach what we teach and all the tips and Know-how – are transferable to any sign language system anywhere in the world.
Just substitute your own local sign language if you wish.
Please note! This is not an accredited British Sign Language Level’s course and BSL syntax is not used for baby signing.
Oh. But we use Makaton; is Toddler Toolkit suitable for us?
The short answer is yes - don't miss out!
There is so much insight and knowledge about the very best ways to use sign language with little ones, as well as practical parenting tips and tools, waiting for you inside Toddler Toolkit™ - regardless of the sign language system you use.
At baby signing level, BSL (British Sign Language) and Makaton share around a 90% compatibility; Makaton is derived from British Sign Language - many of the signs are exactly the same or compatible. So there is no reason why you can’t love Time In Toolkit™ too.
If you use a different sign or two from those we show you, simply swap them to the signs you already know. Easy!
Will baby signing work for us?
As with any new skill, baby signing will need your time and commitment to get the very best out of it.
With your commitment, a sprinkle of Little Signers Club know-how and expertise, you’ll soon be well on your way. We've made every effort to include the things you need to know for baby signing success - because, well, that's what we're good at.
And should things not turn out as you expected, there will be plenty of support to get you back on track.
Is Toddler Toolkit™ an Online Class that my little one watches too?
No, this isn’t an online version of our classes that you may have been used to attending with Little Signers Club during the pandemic.
We did extensive research with our lovely Little Signers families and they told us that they wanted all the resources – signs, expertise, nursery rhymes, inspiration, tips and someone to ask questions of – so that they could use it at home, to teach their little ones for themselves.
We really listened to that and this wonderful toolkit of resources and gentle guidance, for you to learn at home - and use when the time is right for your baby - is the result.
If I change my mind, can I get a refund?
Digital products are delivered immediately after purchase - and Toddler Toolkit™ falls into this category.
In the UK, digital products do not fall within the ‘cooling off’ 7 day period which is required, by law, when you buy physical products.
This means that you won't get a refund - but we are on hand to help if you need it!
Can I sign up and share this with a friend?
Sharing is caring. Except when it's copyrighted.
If you are not sure what copyright means, this is a very brief overview of what's ok to share - and what's not. Full terms are available for you to read when you sign up.
All of the Little Signers Club online and offline programmes and courses is work that is protected under copyright law.
This means that you can't share, publish or print information from the course unless it is for your own, personal, use for your household. This includes pdf’s, video, audio and text from the course or programme you have purchased.
Unfortunately, we sometimes get notice that the content from our courses and programmes are being copied somewhere else.
There is fifteen years of love and learning and experience and expertise in every Little Signers Club course or programme. So, of course, it causes problems when someone takes that for granted.
We really appreciate you for understanding just how much investment we have made into our work and helping us to protecting our copyright.
Does that mean I can't talk about this work with my friends, partner or family?
You are so welcome to talk about what you’ve learned, what you’ve loved and what is making a difference for you.
Conversations around respectful, responsive care of little ones and how to make parenting more joyful are so important; but your log-in access for Toddler Toolkit™ is for personal use by the person who purchased it, or whom they gifted it to.
If you have any questions on this, or, for example, would like to license our programmes and courses for your setting/s, please let us know and we’ll be happy to take you through the options.
How long do I have access for?
You get self-paced access to Toddler Toolkit for 12 months!
Get Toddler Toolkit™ today...
introductory price of
12 Toddler and Two's baby signing topics | 70+ sign videos | before you begin know-how | expert guides | checklists | topic activity - and printables for your fridge!