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Hello, hello!

We might have met before, or maybe you're new to Little Signers Club. 

Either way, I am so pleased to share this brand new Baby Signing Resources library with you!

I am absolutely convinced that communication is key to transforming parenting and early years.

But what are the best, first communication tools?

I've been championing baby signing (baby sign) for seventeen years.  

And does baby sign work?

The evidence is overwhelming that yes, baby signing does work   and, more importantly, it can work for you too.

It's simple and uncomplicated, bringing understanding to and providing solutions for your biggest parenting worries. 

Remarkably it can also reduce the distress of childhood, caused by frustration and the speech gap, by up to 90%.  

 The results? 

Confidence, connection and an unshakeable belief that together, you and your tot, you’ve got this. 

Shelley x

Summer Baby Sign Resource Bundle

☀ six amazing baby signing topics for the summer months; these gently interweave, creating a layered approach to learning.

☀ bonus topic for little ones who are learning to potty; summer is a great time to get this life-skill mastered if your little one is ready.

☀ exclusive 'before you begin' guide; baby signing is so supportive for your whole family, but knowing how and what, when and why will see you off to a flying start!

☀ 60 topical BSL* keyword signs for you to pick and choose from; no, you don't need to learn them all, just the ones that are relevant and useful to you!

*British Sign Language

Learn to sign:

cream - family - friends - hat - holiday - ice-cream - play - splash - sun

Learn to sign: 

bee - butterfly - caterpillar - fly - frog - garden - grasshopper - insect - ladybird - slug - smile - snail - special - spider - worm

Learn to sign:

bird - dig - flower - garden - mud -  outside - snail - worm 

Learn to sign:

bubbles - cold - hat - hot - pour - slippery - splash - wet

Learn to sign:

apple - butterfly - caterpillar - eat - home - hungry - moon - orange - pear - plum - strawberry - sun

Learn to sign:

happy - hop - picnic - sleep - teddy - wake - where - wood  

Enroll for £30.00


Award Winning Baby Signing

Featured;  BBC1, Gurgle Magazine, Junior Magazine, Parent Tribe, The Mother
Contributing Author; ToddlerCalm, A guide for calmer toddlers 

Sign Language School of the year; Prestige Awards 2022 | Leading Provider of Baby Signing Classes 2020; 4th Annual Social Care Awards | Hoop Hero 2019 / 2018  | Mummy’s Gin Fund Expert Panel | Winner: Teach Early Years Awards 2018, At the Bottom of My Garden | Most Outstanding Infant Sign Language Training Consultancy 2017; Global Excellence Awards | Bizzie Baby Gold Award; Our Farmyard Friends, a Rhyme and Sign Adventure | Best Infant Sign Language Training Consultancy – UK; Consultancy Awards 2016 | Finalist, What's On 4 Little Ones 2016 | Award Nominated, Mum and Working 2016 | Childcare Expo 2016, 2017 | ICAN Licensee | 5th Annual Babyroom Conference Canterbury Christ Church University | Lead Practitioners; Early Language Development Programme 
Award Nominated, What's On 4 Little Ones 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,2014, 2015 | Official Partner for Hello, The Year of Communication and the Communication Trust | Finalist, The Baby Show for Trade  

For little ones of all ages*, this gentle selection of six BSL baby signing topics, all with a summery theme, is ideal for intrepid adventurers or snuggly bookworms alike!

This summer topic bundle is packed full of baby signing know-how plus things that I know make life a little less stressful - and a lot more connected - for you, and your tot, as you explore the world together. 

There's brilliant parenting tips, practical early development information and connected, heart-led solutions that can - and do - diffuse tricky times with your tot. 

You'll be able to align with your toddlers fascination with Minibeasts - or add layers of understanding as you read The Very Hungry Caterpillar together.

And you'll gain the most magical insight into who your little one is, what makes them tick, everything they are capable of for themselves - and the wonder of a world that they so desperately want to share with you, without misunderstanding.

Simple and uncomplicated, there is nothing quite like baby signing, the Little Signers Club way. 

Join me and discover how award winning baby signing, alongside connected parenting, helps everyone to shine.

love, Shelley x
Founder, Chief Bubble Tester, Mama, Author,  Speaker, Malteaser Button Muncher.

*best suited from 6 months to 4 years, with some wiggle room for older children as a recap resource


Your bonus topic:
Positive Potty Learning

Our babies are growing up and want to be Just Like Us. 

Toileting readiness (just like everything else) depends very much on your little one but, whatever stage you may be at, you can be sure that your toddler will show you their independence with toileting - as long as it is done their way!

Learn to Sign:

finished - help - hurt - ready - potty - toilet - wash hands - well done

Image: Ollie signs 'toilet'

Little Signers Club BSL baby signing ollie signs potty


Before You Begin - getting you off to the right start with baby signing, exclusive to Little Signers Club!

the benefits of baby signing for little ones and their grown ups

frequently asked questions (yes, yes! your little one will talk.)

what, how and where should you start with baby signing?

baby signing and it's importance in supporting infant mental health

is your little one ready to sign? (and what to do if they're not)

our top tips for baby signing success!

the stages of baby signing - what to expect from your little one, when

baby signing and communication development

I'm in! Summer Bundle £30.00


Frequently Asked Questions

When does this start? How do I get access to everything?

This is a self-paced, instant access, set of baby signing topics (7 in total); all you have to do is sign up and you’ll get everything you need to get started - like your login details -  delivered straight to your inbox

Which sign language do you use?

At Little Signers Club we use British Sign Language signs in English word order.  This is sometimes called keyword signing or Sign Supported English.

We use British Sign Language because it is the UK’s 4th indigenous language and out of respect for the Deaf community. 

The sign videos that are included in the course are British Sign Language but the framework – the overview of what is being taught, why we teach what we teach and all the tips and Know-how – are transferable to any sign language system anywhere in the world. 

Just substitute your own local sign language if you wish.

Please note! This is not an accredited British Sign Language Level’s course and BSL syntax is not used for baby signing.

Oh. But we use Makaton; is this suitable for us?

The short answer is yes - don't miss out! 

There is so much insight and knowledge about the very best ways to use sign language with little ones, as well as practical parenting tips and tools, waiting for you - regardless of the sign language system you use.

At baby signing level, BSL (British Sign Language) and Makaton share around a 90% compatibility; Makaton is derived from British Sign Language - many of the signs are exactly the same or compatible. So there is no reason why you can’t love these beautiful topics too.

If you use a different sign or two from those we show you, simply swap them to the signs you already know. Easy!

Will baby signing work for us?

As with any new skill, baby signing will need your time and commitment to get the very best out of it.

With your commitment, a sprinkle of Little Signers Club know-how and expertise, you’ll soon be well on your way.   I've made every effort to include the things you need to know for baby signing success - because, well, that's what we're good at. 

And should things not turn out as you expected, there will be plenty of support to get you back on track.

Is this topic bundle Online Classes, that my baby watches too?

No, this isn’t an online version of our classes that you may have been used to attending with Little Signers Club during the pandemic.

I did extensive research with our lovely Little Signers families and they told us that they wanted all the resources – signs, expertise, nursery rhymes, inspiration, tips and someone to ask questions of – so that they could use it at home, to teach their little ones for themselves.

I really listened to that and this wonderful toolkit of resources and gentle guidance, for you to learn at home - and use when the time is right for your baby -  is the result. 

If I change my mind, can I get a refund?

Digital products are delivered immediately after purchase - and this lovely topic bundle falls into this category. 

In the UK, digital products do not fall within the ‘cooling off’ 7 day period which is required, by law, when you buy physical products.

This means that you won't get a refund - but I am on hand to help if you need it!

Can I sign up and share this with a friend?

Sharing is caring.  Except when it's copyrighted. 

If you are not sure what copyright means, this is a very brief overview of what's ok to share - and what's not. Full terms are available for you to read when you sign up.

All of the Little Signers Club online and offline programmes and courses is work that is protected under copyright law.  This means that you can't share, publish or print information from the course unless it is for your own, personal, use for your household. This includes pdf’s, video, audio and text from the course or programme you have purchased.

Unfortunately, we sometimes get notice that the content from our courses and programmes are being copied somewhere else.

There are over eighteen years of love and learning and experience and expertise in every Little Signers Club course or programme. So, of course, it causes problems when someone takes that for granted.

I really appreciate you for understanding just how much investment I have made into my work and helping me to protecting my copyright.

Does that mean I can't talk about this work with my friends, partner or family?

You are so welcome to talk about what you’ve learned, what you’ve loved and what is making a difference for you.

Conversations around respectful, responsive care of little ones and how to make parenting more joyful are so important; but your log-in access for this product is for personal use by the person who purchased it, or whom they gifted it to. 

If you have any questions on this, or, for example, would like to license our programmes and courses for your setting/s, please let us know and we’ll be happy to take you through the options.

Signing Adventures all Summer - just £30.00
As always, your words clarify, give me pause, make me rethink my parenting approach. Your responses are always so generous, Shelley. And so much more useful than most responses I come across. I love scientific and anthropological research but I especially love the insights of gentle parents who have faced similar predicaments.  There's so much to learn from everything you write. Thank you a million times.

Wow thank you so much for taking the time to give such a detailed helpful response!  The reassurance is very helpful as I was sometimes feeling a little disheartened so will continue doing what I’m doing, slow things down and try to incorporate turn taking games in our play.

Your generosity and kindness hasn't gone unnoticed in our family. I was only saying today if I could commit to set up my own little group for children to learn sign, Little Signers would be my first port of call. 

My child is 2.5 years old now and we just had her first parents evening - according to the nursery she is about a year ahead of where she's expected to be in her communication.  We had the whole family using sign language and responding to her and I know she always feels understood by us. It's been priceless and seeing her so strong and confident and direct now is I'm sure, because she's been understood and listened to from the start. Thank you so much for giving us this gift.